A Story to Build On

Rapid growth launched Xnor.ai out of an incubator and into their own space in just two years.

Asked to design their new space, Advance Strategy discovered that Xnor stands alone in the industry.  Their unique algorithm-based solution can put AI into small devices on the edge, away form the cloud, to save resources and increase data security.

When you story is this powerful, how you tell it becomes even more important. Leading the Xnor team through a discovery of what they do, why it matters and who will benefit, they quickly realized that the virtual face they showed the world is equally as important as the physical space where the creation happens.

We pulled the unique Xnor narrative all the way through their space and out into every expression of their brand.  Beyond an innovative workplace that supports their Maker culture, we created a new website design, brand standards and even a new logo that honors the breakthrough algorithm on which Xnor’s platform is based.

web design